X-ray for Pets

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Some of our veterinary team members will request your pet have an X-ray if they need a deeper look internally at their body. Digital radiography (X-rays) help create images over internal structures by penetrating layers of tissue. It is sometimes combined with other diagnostic tools, like bloodwork, to get the most accurate look at how your pet’s body is working. If you have questions about our X-ray procedures, please contact our team at 403-335-3519.

How do you take pet X-rays?

X-rays use electromagnetic waves to create images of your pet’s internal organs and bones. Only some body parts can be seen on X-rays like bones in the spine, limbs, liver, kidney and spleen. X-rays are really helpful when assessing your pet’s oral health. They are great at detecting damage at the tooth’s root, which can’t be seen solely with the human eye.

X-rays use radiology. Are they safe?

Yes, they are safe. Our high-skilled veterinary team is trained to take all the necessary precautions to make sure the X-ray process doesn’t harm your pet. X-rays do expose your pet to radiation but advantages in technology have minimized the amount, in comparison to when it was first developed. During the X-ray, your pet will wear protective covers over the parts of their body that aren’t being imaged. Our team also wears protective gear to limit the effects of exposure to the electromagnetic waves.

How do I prepare my pet for their X-ray?

Always ask your veterinarian about specific things your pet will need to do before they have X-rays. It might be helpful to not feed your pet before their appointment, particularly if they’re having X-rays of their abdomen. We can produce better images if your pet has an empty stomach. If your pet has a hard time staying still, we might give them a sedative to help them relax.

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