Arthritis Services

Offering pain management and rehabilitation for pets diagnosed with arthritis.

Arthritis affects your pet’s joints, especially as they get older. Arthritis can manifest as pain and difficulty moving, which your pet might mask. Our team is equipped to provide your pet with high-quality care that minimizes their pain and promotes joint health. Though we cannot cure your pet’s arthritis, we will do our best to ensure they can maintain a good quality of life.

How do I know whether or not my pet has arthritis?

Your pet might show a few signs but the best way to confirm if they have arthritis is a visit to our clinic. If you suspect your pet has arthritis, contact our clinic at 403-335-3519. Signs you can consult our veterinary team about are:

  • Swollen or stiff joints
  • Difficulty moving around, including walking awkwardly
  • Hesitancy to go up or down stairs or other surfaces off the ground
  • Aggression or irritability towards your family or other pets
  • Flinching when you try and touch them
  • Decreasing energy or stamina for activities like play or walking

What causes arthritis?

Arthritis is linked to a combination of factors, including age, injury, abnormalities, weight and breed. As your pet gets older, the cartilage in their bones naturally weakens. Especially if your pet is very active, their body is more susceptible to wear and tear. Multiple injuries throughout their lifespan also increases their likelihood for arthritis, depending on how their joints are affected. If your pet has abnormal joint development like hip or elbow dysplasia, they might also develop arthritis. Obesity and your pet’s genetics might also predispose them to the condition.

What treatment is available for my pet’s arthritis?

After our veterinarians have confirmed your pet’s arthritis with a few tests, we will develop a treatment plan that best supports them. We might prescribe medication, discuss pain management strategies and even recommend onsite acupuncture or laser therapy. At home, make sure your pet’s necessities like their food and bed are accessible. Consider installing ramps or other devices that help your pet move with ease throughout your home. If you have questions about the best ways to care for your pet with arthritis, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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